Staying on top of all the latest trends for teens and tweens can feel like a full-time job on its own. Younger people are more prone to experimentation and this means that parents need to be vigilant to understand the trends that can impact their teens.
This goes for things like crazy TikTok trends, but also for trends in the drug world. In recent years Fentanyl has gotten a lot of airtime, but dabbing is also something that parents should know. Here are a few important facts that parents can learn about this emerging drug trend.
What is Dabbing?
Dabbing is not just a silly dance move. In the modern context, parents who want to know what is dabbing will need to understand more about the current drug culture. In many states, marijuana use is now legal. This means that there is even easier access than ever before to this drug. While people in years past were content to smoke weed or enjoy some edibles, teens and young adults are open to trying new ways to consume marijuana.
What is dabbing? Well, it’s just another way for people to get high from marijuana. Except this time, the THC concentration is much higher than average. Users inhale the THC concentrate which leads to a very fast and very intense high. While this seems like it wouldn’t be the worst thing, there are many issues with consuming marijuana this way.
Can Lead to Marijuana Addiction
One of the biggest issues of dabbing is that it can cause a greater dependency. While the average marijuana cigarette may only have 12-15% THC, some dabs can be as high as 80%. In the past, marijuana was always viewed as a drug that people couldn’t be dependent on, but with these new ways of consuming THC, these high levels can increase tolerance levels making it more addictive over time.
Dabbing Involves Butane Inhalation
When parents start investigating “what is dabbing?” they’ll discover that in the process of inhaling the THC concentrate, their teens may also be inhaling butane. The THC concentrate is mixed with butane so that it can be inhaled using a pipe, a bong, or another similar device. And while the idea is for the butane to evaporate and separate it from the THC, this isn’t always the case. Not only is butane inhalation bad for the lungs in even small amounts, but it can also lead to long-term lung problems and other health issues.
It Can Cause Psychological Issues
Higher concentrations of THC have been known to cause mental breaks in some people who consume it. This is evident in people who eat too many special brownies and end up hallucinating instead of just being high. Parents should know that these high amounts of THC consumed in dabbing can lead to long-term emotional issues for their teens.
Dabbing is a form of marijuana use that’s being popularized amongst younger people and teens who are more willing to experiment. If a parent hears this term or things like honey oil, shatter, or ear wax in a different context, they should start asking some questions. Understanding that dabbing isn’t the same as smoking a joint is also important for parents to realize and that the impacts of high concentrations of THC could be damaging.